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Taxes & Shipping


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I am new to osc, as well as this business. I am starting an online bookstore, and I am having some problems in two areas; taxes & shipping.


Regarding taxes...


I currently live in Texas. I searched through the forums regarding taxes and came across this post. Where I am lost is where do you modify this in the admin module? I went under Locations/Taxes but I don't know how you specify that only residents in Texas would get taxed, and not others outside? I played around (assuming), and went into TAX ZONES to enter Texas, then TAX RATES and entered the %. Is this right?


Regarding shipping...


As stated earlier, I am opening a bookstore. Will mainly be selling books, maybe some other items like bookmarks, rings, etc. We will also be drop shipping some items as well. Are there any posts or other osc sites someone can refer me to that are bookstores? Maybe I can get some ideas. In any case, I went into admin/module/shipping and Table Rate. It gave some example like - 25:8.50,50:5.50,10000:0.00....which after reading the description I am still confused.



Is there a sticky or another good reference for learning more about the tax and shipping modules in osCommerce?

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shipping table rate explanation



upto 25 dollars it will be 8.50

bet 25 And 50 it is 5.50



Satish Mantri

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Thanks for the tax link!


Regarding shipping, makes sense. So let me get this straight. In that scenario, anything >50 will be $5.50 regardless, correct? Seems straight forward, but just wanted to clarify. So with that formula, is there a limit? Meaning could you do something like this...


25:5.00,50:6.50,75:7.50, 10000:0.00

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Yes You can set it this way.


The code basically explodes this array and gets the range in which it has to chek the shipping cost.




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