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Hi, Ajax Tab Loading Content Needdd Help!


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hi guys,


I have modified my oscommerce base on the Template Monster, and i just added a

AJAX TABS CONTENT from DynamicDrive......




It looks pretty slick, i modify the AJAX JS function alittle bit to load content into a specific tab

using <a href="java script: loadtabs('tabname', tabnumber, $url'));"></a> on osc hyper links...


here is a ajax js function that i use

function loadtabs(tabcontentid, tabnumber, url){
var thetab=document.getElementById(tabcontentid).getElementsByTagName("a")[tabnumber]
if (thetab.getAttribute("rel")){
ajaxpage(url, thetab.getAttribute("rel"), thetab)

and i also modified the login page, account.php so that it will redirect to create_account.php if user is unregister....

problem is when i addd this hyper link to open account.php in a specified tabs, it won't redirecting create_account.php

into that tab, but when i manually load the create_account.php into a specific tab, it will load create_account.php just fine...


so i am expecting that it has to do something with redirecting the page into a specific tab.. in my case is tabname,1,

i tried to look into the include/function/general.php for the tep_redirect but i cannot seem to add the javascript in there...

i am new to coding, so does any one know how to manipulate this ajax tab content to load those redirection into the tab i want? because there will be many pages that will redirect....


another problem is for the tep_href_link, instead of manually add the java script: loadtabs to every hyper link, i found there is a function whenever it call tep_href_link... how to add java script: loadtabs in that so i don't have to manually add the java script: loadtab to every page or button? since osc is mostly dynamic link, using that tep_href_link function...



Thank you very much for your help

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