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Stop choosing cheapest shipping method


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I'm implementing a $0.50 payment method for use under strict circumstances, however when I put this in place the shipping page always defaults to this choice... is there any way to stop it from doing this?


I see in the code:

$shipping = $shipping_modules->cheapest();


Does anyone know if it's this bit of code that needs changing and what I can change it to so it stops defaulting to the cheapest shipping method.

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I'm implementing a $0.50 payment method for use under strict circumstances, however when I put this in place the shipping page always defaults to this choice... is there any way to stop it from doing this?


I see in the code:

Does anyone know if it's this bit of code that needs changing and what I can change it to so it stops defaulting to the cheapest shipping method.

If you want a complete hack

in catalog\includes\classes\shipping.php


if ($rates[$i]['cost'] < $cheapest['cost']) {


if ($rates[$i]['cost'] > $cheapest['cost']) {


at around line 122

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  • 4 weeks later...

You can also pick the rate you want to preselect by choosing the position in the array.




if ($rates[$i]['cost'] < $cheapest['cost']) {


add >> $xi = 0; // or $xi = $i - 1;

change>> $cheapest = $rates[$xi];



the shipping price array follows the radio buttons on the shipping checkout page from top to bottom.

example if you have table rate as your first choice then that is array value 0 ($xi = 0;).

If you want the next to last value in the array (which may be the lowest of 7 UPS rates returned)

then you want $xi = $i - 1


This will be come more complex based on the shipping choices you sellect and the order you put them in.

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