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Migrated Servers, now Admin Panel is blank...


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Hi All,


I have done my very best to search for several different possible descriptions of the above problem but have yet to find a solution for my (what appears to be simple) problem.


Recently migrated my store from shared hosting to a virtual private server and everything is back up and running, excepting that the administration (and thus changes to the catalog) are not accessible. The previous path leads to a blank page.


It looks like in similar problems, some modifications were necessary in the includes, but I didn't find enough direction to make it happen. Does this problem sound familiar? I can provide more information as best I can if anyone needs more....


Thank you


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I've been combing all the .php files in /catalog, /catalog/admin, and /catalog/admin/includes, and the only file I've found with any paths that needed correcting was /catalog/admin/includes/configure.php.


So I'm clear, is an absolute path one with the entire URL, ie www.domainname/catalog/admin/ or is it simply /catalog/admin? The comments in the file ask for an absolute path.


I thought there might be some problem with the permissions on the admin directory, but I copied a sample html file to admin and was able to access it. However, whenever I try to directly load any .php file stored in that directory, I get a blank window. When I view the source, it is also empty.


Any idea where I should look next?


Thank you,


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