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The e-commerce.

Advice for online supermarket please


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Hi Everyone,


i would like some free advice regarding an oscommerce site.


I work for a small supermarket group and i have used oscommerce to design an online shopping facilty for our 10 supermarkets.


What i would like to do is share this with other supermarkets and manage them all from one site eg. www.supermarket.com


i would like to have just the one site instead of having 10 domains for 10 seperatley owned supermarkets. eg www.supermarket.com/shop1 , www.supermarket.com/shop2 , www.supermarket.com/shop3 etc.


this is where i need help...


firstly is that the best way of doing it?


secondly if i go this way do i have a seperate copy of the databases for each shop1 , shop2, shop3 ???




do i have one database and in each table have an id field that relates to shop1, shop2, shop3 etc ???


Any help would be greatly appreciated


Thanks Andrew

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  • 1 month later...
? anyone ?

Ok, it could be done... If it can be done simply by installing a contribution I don't know... Otherwise it probably will be a lot of code to change.


i would like to have just the one site instead of having 10 domains for 10 seperatley owned supermarkets. eg www.supermarket.com/shop1 , www.supermarket.com/shop2 , www.supermarket.com/shop3 etc.


This could even by done by one osCommerce install with 10 different templates. That way it would look more like www.supermarket.com/?template=shop1.


secondly if i go this way do i have a seperate copy of the databases for each shop1 , shop2, shop3 ???


do i have one database and in each table have an id field that relates to shop1, shop2, shop3 etc ???


If you go for the template way of doing things you can have online one database. This way all stores will share their customers/products etc. If you would like to go for the second option it's better to have all shops installed in their own subdirectory.


firstly is that the best way of doing it?


The best way depends much more on time and willing to code a lot to come to a best solution. If you want a relative easy and quick way you install ten shops in 10 subdirectories eg www.supermarket.com/shop1 , www.supermarket.com/shop2 , www.supermarket.com/shop3 etc. If you would like to have on admin to control the shops you would go for the template option and then the amount of code your willing to do is relative to the way the shops are seperated in customers/products/orders etc.




Arjan Gelderblom

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