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The e-commerce.

Virtual store with different graphics


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Excuse my asking something that appears to have been done to death here ;) but... (I'll ask anyway :) )


We have an install of osCommerce (M2.) running, and quite heavily modified. We now have a requirement to branch our site off to make it look different based upon the url called to load the site.


I've seen and taken a peek at 'Virtual Mall 2.1' which looks to do almost what we want but not quite, hence my posting here.


We would like to have some sort of modification / enhancement to the osCommerce system to change the graphics on part of the site to our non default graphics. Essentially rebranding the site to look like someone elses site.



http://www.mainsite.com.au/ (Takes you to our own stock standard site.)

http://www.mainsite.com.au/index.php?cPath=46 (Takes you to our site but with our clients graphics.)


Are there any mods out currently that will do this?




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