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Q&A based product Selection


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This is an odd request.


I have a client who has multiple products, accessories, related add-ons, and misc. He wants a virtual Q&A flow chart to select the products the user should purchase, and for that list to be transferable to an order.


Example (I'll use a car purchase as an example)


Do you want a Car or Truck?

A. Car


Q. Do you want 2 doors or 4?

A 4.


Q. do you want Alloy wheels (add $500) or standard hubcaps(add $0)?

A. Alloy (this would be an accessory added on)


Q. Do you want a trailer?

A.Yes Q. Which Model (A, B, C)

A. C (a new product added to order)


Q. Do you need insurance?

A. Yes (new product added)


OUR PURCHASE ARRAY now consists of {4door car [with alloy wheels], C trailer, Insurance}

Submit the order

go to checkout as usual.


Anyone done something like that? IF SO, what technologies did you use and how did you transfer the request to the order?


I thought of just using HTML forms and passing variables to the next page of questions, but how to get it to create the order is where I am stumbling in thought.


Thanks in advance


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The issue I see with that is to create an order for the finished selection would require you to program every single possible variation into individual products. As far as I know OsCommerce cannot actually create product on the fly from the catalog end. The simplest way to do it would be with the product attributes functions, but that's not a "virtual Q&A" by any stretch.

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The issue I see with that is to create an order for the finished selection would require you to program every single possible variation into individual products. As far as I know OsCommerce cannot actually create product on the fly from the catalog end. The simplest way to do it would be with the product attributes functions, but that's not a "virtual Q&A" by any stretch.


Thanks, I thought of the product attributes but we are looking at over 100 potential items in various combinations.

I need more of a way to pass the array to the order process.

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Let me phrase this another way.


Has anyone implemented a One Page Order Form with multiple products?


There are contributions that use forms to add multiple products to the cart. But what you're looking for is more complex. You need a wizard type form with previous/next steps. Where each step is linked to a category, product or attribute.


If you have good php/mysql skills you could set it up by using code from existing contributions those creating relationships among categories/products/attributes and customize the forms.

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