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The e-commerce.

How can i add images or flash plug-ins to my front page!


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Hey all,


This is my first Post and I've just recently started using OScommerce. I had a friend install the program and since then I'm trying to work things.. U can check my site at www.nonoimperio.com, it's a comic shop!


Right now i want to add a image to my main page, similar to whats been done here in www.kingpin-of-comics.net, wich is also a comics shop page...


How can i do it and can i add *.swf files to it instead of images?






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Use the php include function to include the swf file. Or, you an include, for example index.txt, create a file named index.txt and insert everything you want between <html></html> tags.

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To add to the previous post...


1. Go into your index.php file in the catalog, find where it says <?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?> and replace it with an include <?php include('layout.php'); ?> that points to a page that has been laid out. The layout file should be saved to the catalog file.


2. Go to includes > languages > english > index.php


You can then insert any embedded code


define('TEXT_MAIN', 'Front page text and embedded code here?>');

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