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Easy Populate/Product URLs


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Hello. I'd appreciate your help as I'm kind of lost with Easy Populate and the organization and additions involved.


I'm wondering what I put in for the product url column and if this means I can set the individual url's myself.


Also, does the order I put my products in on my excel sheet affect my product urls? I'm curious because I don't want to start advertising individual products, and then at some point add a product in the middle of the spreadsheet, upload, and find that everything has shifted...


Also, when I add attributes manually after I've uploaded my EP file, and then I redownload the EP file, this doesn't really work and it adds the colors or whatever under the wrong columns. Am I able to edit things like this manually or does everything have to be done through EP? And if so, what's the easiest way to do this? Any other tips for me?


I'd appreciate all the help I can get, as I'm trying to get my store up and running asap!





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By default, the products url meant to be the page on the manufacturer's site for the associated product. It is not an internal url to your store.

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