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The e-commerce.

osCommerce Functionality


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My goodness, first, an apology, if this has been covered elsewhere, but I searched and searched and just couldn't find it. So here goes.


I'm trying to help a friend set up an online site for his real estate appraisal business.


This is what I need the shopping cart program to do. Can any of you tell me if osCommerce has this functionality?


A customer should be able to login, and place an order for an appraisal. There is no charge for placing the order, as each appraisal's cost is calculated after the work is done.


Once the appraisal request is recieved, the company should be able to update the order information to note that the appraisal request has been recieved, and update the order information with the scheduled date and time for the appraisal, and the anticipated date of completetion of the report.


Once the appraisal is completed, the company needs to be able to once again update the order, this time to include the price of the appraisal and the amount now due, and once the order has been paid for, another notice sent to the customer to notify them that the order has been completed.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!




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