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Beware of Sashbox.net Hosting


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I moved my company's website to Sashbox.net last November after my former host's server crashed and was down for 2 days. Everything worked great until around the end of March and first of April, then the performance became very unreliable. The site would stop responding several times a day. At times it would be incredibly slow, frustrating customers and hurting my sales. It even when down a few times in the middle of the day for a few hours at a time.


I know this can happen, but when you are paying $35 a month, you expect things to get fixed a little quicker than a month. But this is not what caused my disgust with this company. From the end of March until now, the middle of May, they would not answer one telephone call, not one email, nothing. They were completely MIA. No emails were sent out explaining the situation or what was being done about it. Nothing.


In a moment of desperation and frustration, I posted a few words concerning my experience in some forums. Well, apparently this rubbed the owner of Sashbox the wrong way (I knew it would get their attention, but it was the only way to get their attention). As soon as I repointed my DNS, they erased my account from their servers without notifying me. I am still paying for the service as the billing cycle is not up. But offended by my post, the owner threw a temper tantrum and this is how he gets back at me.


Luckily I did backup most of the info, but not all. I have lost a significant amount of data including two websites we were in the process of creating (300 to 400 hours invested). When I contacted Sashbox they basically told me I was S.O.L. and that I deserved it!


Stay far away from this company. Their services are overpriced and they are extremely unprofessional in their dealings with their customers.

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I moved my company's website to Sashbox.net last November after my former host's server crashed and was down for 2 days. Everything worked great until around the end of March and first of April, then the performance became very unreliable. The site would stop responding several times a day. At times it would be incredibly slow, frustrating customers and hurting my sales. It even when down a few times in the middle of the day for a few hours at a time.


I know this can happen, but when you are paying $35 a month, you expect things to get fixed a little quicker than a month. But this is not what caused my disgust with this company. From the end of March until now, the middle of May, they would not answer one telephone call, not one email, nothing. They were completely MIA. No emails were sent out explaining the situation or what was being done about it. Nothing.


In a moment of desperation and frustration, I posted a few words concerning my experience in some forums. Well, apparently this rubbed the owner of Sashbox the wrong way (I knew it would get their attention, but it was the only way to get their attention). As soon as I repointed my DNS, they erased my account from their servers without notifying me. I am still paying for the service as the billing cycle is not up. But offended by my post, the owner threw a temper tantrum and this is how he gets back at me.


Luckily I did backup most of the info, but not all. I have lost a significant amount of data including two websites we were in the process of creating (300 to 400 hours invested). When I contacted Sashbox they basically told me I was S.O.L. and that I deserved it!


Stay far away from this company. Their services are overpriced and they are extremely unprofessional in their dealings with their customers.

They should be reported to the authorities and/or sued.

I have had absolutely no problems with my web hosting company and recommend them. See the footer on my site.

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