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The e-commerce.

How to reset original database settings.


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I set up a database through phpMYADMIN to run on osCommerce and it was confirmed the osCommerce locked the database. I didn't realize at the time that that same database was in use with 2 other programs. The 2 other programs are not in use, so if I delete these programs from the server, does anyone know what else I would need to do to get the database back to the original osCommerce settings? Will I have conflicts with data that was already written to the original database? I am not familair with mySQL so any assistance would be appreciated.

Please advise, thanks!

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First, what do you mean that oscommerce locked your database?


Secondly, if you deleted the other 2 scripts using the same database, you will have to delete all of the tables in your database which those scripts were using.


If you want to get the DATABASE INFO back to default settings, just delete the entire database, reinstall a new blank database with the same name, add the user back onto the new database and run the .sql dump file that comes with a new oscommerce package. You will lose all of your products and store settings, so be careful.

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