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The e-commerce.

How to move an OSCOMMERCE site from one server to another


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Hi there. I am in the process of upgrading a server, and therefore moving from one PLESK 8 box to another.

Today I tried its Migration Manager to move an Oscommerce site from one site to another. It moved everything,

including the mysql database and its admin user, as well as the site's entire httpdocs folder. As far as I can tell,

with proper rights as well.


However, upon checking the results, I can see that the site's main page appears fine, however clicking on

any items listed results in a "sorry, item not found.". I then tried to tar the old mysql database, and untar it at the

new server, but I got the same result.


I was wondering if there was a way to debug this "Sorry, item not found" message, or does anyone know what to

do with this error message?



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Hi there. I am in the process of upgrading a server, and therefore moving from one PLESK 8 box to another.

Today I tried its Migration Manager to move an Oscommerce site from one site to another. It moved everything,

including the mysql database and its admin user, as well as the site's entire httpdocs folder. As far as I can tell,

with proper rights as well.


However, upon checking the results, I can see that the site's main page appears fine, however clicking on

any items listed results in a "sorry, item not found.". I then tried to tar the old mysql database, and untar it at the

new server, but I got the same result.


I was wondering if there was a way to debug this "Sorry, item not found" message, or does anyone know what to

do with this error message?



Maybe the paths in the configure.php files need correcting.

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