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How to install a template?


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If it is an oscommerce template, then you need to copy the files to your shop. If you have changed your files in some way, then you have to compare the files before replacing them to be sure you don't delete any of your changes.



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If it is an oscommerce template, then you need to copy the files to your shop. If you have changed your files in some way, then you have to compare the files before replacing them to be sure you don't delete any of your changes.





Just Run the install like you normal whould the new files are a;ready in the correct Dir just install it and you will have you free store that you downloaded




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I am not installing oscommerce

I had the live site and I want to change the template!



if you have a live site, editing and adding can be tricky. especially if it has a different set up like payments. I strongly advise to backup the mysql database if its live. installing via the online oscommerce page can over ride the database currently used - speaking from experiance!!


Have you installed any contributions? this can also be an issue when changing a template. there is a site/program where you compare the two to see what is changed. that way you know what is installed.


sorry its short, but its something just to keep an eye out - good luck

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I am pretty comfortable with installing contributions

All I wanted to know is how to install a template

What are the major files which gets changed

For instance I am sure files like configure.php, shopping_cart.php etc has nothing to do with the template

Hope someone can help

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There isn't a standard answer to that. It will vary with the template. The only files that should have been changed are in the shop side (not in admin) so that cuts out a lot of them. Most of the files in the root would have been changed as well as most in the includes directory. The ones in any of the directories in includes may have been changed, although probably just the boxes and languages. Pretty much all of the ones in languages will have been changed. And many of the images in the images directory would have been changed or new ones added. So, as I already stated, if you have changed your files, then you can just overwrite them. Otherwise, you have to compare.



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