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PLEASE HELP! Moved to a new server and my store isn't working


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I had to move my shop to a new server. So first I installed their OsCommerce script and then replaced the newly created database with my database and the newly installed files with mine. I made the appropriate changes where database and username were different to match the new environment.


The shop looks fine, and all my products are there and such, but if I place an item in the cart and then click on checkout I get an error message that says the connexion was interrupted, try again later, blah blah blah...

The same happens when I try to access my admin panel. I have the 'secure logout' contribution installed and I am wondering if this has anything to do with the SSL aspect, because it seems that those two actions direct me to a https type of URL and it somehow gets stuck in there.


Did I mess up the SSL installation, or what did I mess up?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been getting orders every day now, and this is a disaster because people can't checkout and I can't update my catalog!


If you need to try to checkout to see the error, the shop is: http://ayurvedayogashop.com


Thanks in advance,



I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself when under stress, I repeat myself...


--King Crimson (“Discipline”)

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