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debug for extra order emails not sent


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I have just moved my store to a new sever and I'm testing it out before I change over the dns and go live. The one problem I'm having is order confirmation emails are setup to send a copy of the order to an address in my domain. I have set this up via the "Send Extra Order Emails To" option. The emails are being sent if I specify any other email address other than one in my domain. If any address from my domain is used then the emails never arrive. I need to be able to debug this issue. I see that the emails are generated in the catalog/checkout_process.php but I'm not sure what I can do to have the error output to a file so I can examine it to see why mail is not being sent.


Any suggestions on how to debug this issue would be greatly appreciated.


BTW- The server is Linux and the email transport method selected is sendmail. I have tried the smtp option with the same results.

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