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PayPal Generated Code In Product Description In Admin


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Hi, I hope someone can help me with this!


I have installed a contribution for Paypal reoccuring payment and I have assumed that I am meant to place the generated PayPal code into the description of the product accessed via admin. The problem is that when I click to preview, I can see my PayPal button, but when I click to update, it won't update at all. It updates fine without the PayPal code present. So I am wondering how I can make it accept the paypal code. Is there html or php code that I need to put before and after the <form></form> which PayPal code starts and ends with? I did try a suggestion in the forum but it didn't change anything.



1- Hide the price of subscription products


Open product_info.php and search :

<td class="pageHeading" align="right" valign="top">

<?php echo $products_price; ?></td>


and replace with :

<td class="pageHeading" align="right" valign="top">

<?php $ifzero=substr($products_price,0,1);

if ($ifzero>0) { echo $products_price; }?></td>


2- Use Paypal button generation and insert it in your product with the admin form



Thanks for any help with this!

Jane :)

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Yes i have got the same kind of problem


i want to be able to put a simple form in my product description


but apparently either the "update" button in the admin panel or the "add to cart" in the front end seems to work like a "submit" button which seem to be a conflict


for you you can straight copy/paste your code in your database using php y admin

you will have the result but i don t know if that will be a problem for later


on my part i did that but when i hit the submit button on my form on my product description page that works like the "add to cart" and i go to my basket


i m in the same kind of problem as you so anyone knows how to put a form in the product description page ?







Hi, I hope someone can help me with this!


I have installed a contribution for Paypal reoccuring payment and I have assumed that I am meant to place the generated PayPal code into the description of the product accessed via admin. The problem is that when I click to preview, I can see my PayPal button, but when I click to update, it won't update at all. It updates fine without the PayPal code present. So I am wondering how I can make it accept the paypal code. Is there html or php code that I need to put before and after the <form></form> which PayPal code starts and ends with? I did try a suggestion in the forum but it didn't change anything.

1- Hide the price of subscription products


Open product_info.php and search :

<td class="pageHeading" align="right" valign="top">

<?php echo $products_price; ?></td>


and replace with :

<td class="pageHeading" align="right" valign="top">

<?php $ifzero=substr($products_price,0,1);

if ($ifzero>0) { echo $products_price; }?></td>


2- Use Paypal button generation and insert it in your product with the admin form

Thanks for any help with this!

Jane :)

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Yes i have got the same kind of problem


i want to be able to put a simple form in my product description


but apparently either the "update" button in the admin panel or the "add to cart" in the front end seems to work like a "submit" button which seem to be a conflict


for you you can straight copy/paste your code in your database using php y admin

you will have the result but i don t know if that will be a problem for later


on my part i did that but when i hit the submit button on my form on my product description page that works like the "add to cart" and i go to my basket


i m in the same kind of problem as you so anyone knows how to put a form in the product description page ?



Thanks for replying, I'm still looking for the answer, but no joy yet. But I am interested in trying what you said about copying and pasting to the database. As I would need to associate a number of paypal codes that have different subscription rates to each individual associated item, is that possible or can only one code be added to the database? I have limited knowledge about databases and phpmyadmin right now, and not really sure how to add the code or where to put it, please could you tell me exactly where I would add it to?


Thanks for your help :)

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OK i m far to be an expert as well

i dont know at all your knoledge so i wil try to explain what to do and where to click step-by step


but obviously you need to connect to your database using phpmyadmin or an other software to manage database


in phpmyadmin once logged in on the left hand side look for the table "products_description"

click on it after on the top in the main frame click on "browse"

and you will see the listing of all your products with id name and the "products_description" that is what you are looking for


find your product

if you have a lot of product you will have to ask to show more row

find the box/filed with "show" "number" of rows starting from record "0"

and put the number of row that you want to see

once you wil have find you product click on the little pen next to to box to tick (for a simple edit on on product no need to tick boxes)


and after you can edit the values of your product straight into the database (no need of the oscommerce admin panel)

and find the biggest text area field "product_description"

paste your html code in there go down the page and click on the GO button



refresh your product page you will see as the description the content that you have pasted

but please keep me in touch if it is working

dont be surprise if your submit button from the paypal code bring you to the basket


i m still looking for something to help me as well.....


and can you tell me where did you find that contribution for recurring payement as i am really interested in that

can you etheir give me url or the contribution in .zip file?








Thanks for replying, I'm still looking for the answer, but no joy yet. But I am interested in trying what you said about copying and pasting to the database. As I would need to associate a number of paypal codes that have different subscription rates to each individual associated item, is that possible or can only one code be added to the database? I have limited knowledge about databases and phpmyadmin right now, and not really sure how to add the code or where to put it, please could you tell me exactly where I would add it to?


Thanks for your help :)

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Thanks lolofora, thats a great help, I'll try that later


The contributions for PayPal reoccuring payments can be found at



I used 3 contributions, the original and update for the reoccuring payments plus the Family Products contribution which is recommended in one of these contributions, the link is provided. These contributions weren't created for the latest version of osCommerce, the file checkout_paypalipn.php didnt exist but I found the code mentioned in the contribution in checkout_process.php, so applied it there. I'm not sure if it works correctly though as I haven't been able to test it yet. I did have an issue installing Family Products, but not sure if that was me creating the problem or the contribution, I ended up with the error of header tags being sent or something like that, but seems that was because there were additional white spaces in the file, so that was easy to correct.


Hope this helps :)






OK i m far to be an expert as well

i dont know at all your knoledge so i wil try to explain what to do and where to click step-by step


but obviously you need to connect to your database using phpmyadmin or an other software to manage database


in phpmyadmin once logged in on the left hand side look for the table "products_description"

click on it after on the top in the main frame click on "browse"

and you will see the listing of all your products with id name and the "products_description" that is what you are looking for


find your product

if you have a lot of product you will have to ask to show more row

find the box/filed with "show" "number" of rows starting from record "0"

and put the number of row that you want to see

once you wil have find you product click on the little pen next to to box to tick (for a simple edit on on product no need to tick boxes)


and after you can edit the values of your product straight into the database (no need of the oscommerce admin panel)

and find the biggest text area field "product_description"

paste your html code in there go down the page and click on the GO button



refresh your product page you will see as the description the content that you have pasted

but please keep me in touch if it is working

dont be surprise if your submit button from the paypal code bring you to the basket


i m still looking for something to help me as well.....


and can you tell me where did you find that contribution for recurring payement as i am really interested in that

can you etheir give me url or the contribution in .zip file?

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Just an update, I entered the code in phpmyadmin, and when I clicked on the paypal button on site, it does go to an empty shopping cart. I still had my Add To Cart button on the page, and I noticed that wouldn't work, when I had the PayPal button there as well. I am now thinking that if I could add code to the PayPal Code, that makes it add the product to the cart too, then it would work, but I wouldn't know what the code should be or even if it was possible to do it that way.


It also suggests that the contribution isn't working as it was meant to, so I will have to take another look at it.


Is there anyone out there who has any suggestions to get this working correctly?




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Just an update, I entered the code in phpmyadmin, and when I clicked on the paypal button on site, it does go to an empty shopping cart. I still had my Add To Cart button on the page, and I noticed that wouldn't work, when I had the PayPal button there as well. I am now thinking that if I could add code to the PayPal Code, that makes it add the product to the cart too, then it would work, but I wouldn't know what the code should be or even if it was possible to do it that way.


It also suggests that the contribution isn't working as it was meant to, so I will have to take another look at it.


Is there anyone out there who has any suggestions to get this working correctly?




Thank you for your answere and sorry to respond only now


yes the problem is simply that every single form as in the html code <form> your form </form>

are treated like the "add to cart bouton" and you go to the shopping cart


i have been unable to mix a form in a product description and to keep the shopping cart active


the only way is simply to disable the fonction in product_info.php

find something like 10-20 lines under the <body> tag


<?php echo tep_draw_form('cart_quantity', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product')); ?>


and disable it putting //


<?php echo //tep_draw_form('cart_quantity', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product')); ?>


(or you can simply delete that part of the code)


but the problem it that after you will be unable to use the shopping cart

but you can have a form in your product description


for me it is working i have builded many oscommerce website but for a specific one it just provide subscription so i don t need the shopping cart




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..................but i will have a look at the paypal contribe that you gave me

it looks like you can do both

- Hide the price of subscription products

- Hide the checkout button

- Keep the choice between subscription and selling your products


i might try to install that within 1-2 weeks come back here to have my feedback....

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  • 6 months later...
..................but i will have a look at the paypal contribe that you gave me

it looks like you can do both

- Hide the price of subscription products

- Hide the checkout button

- Keep the choice between subscription and selling your products


i might try to install that within 1-2 weeks come back here to have my feedback....



Hi Lolofora,


I have just returned to my unfinished oscommerce site after many months away from it, but I still have the same subscription problem. I have just seen your last post about trying the contribution, so if you are still about, please could you tell me if you did install it and if you managed to get it working as it was meant to?




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