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Need Help trouble shooting my store

ralph brekan

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I got my store up and running but when I go to add to cart or click checkout the programs re-asks me to login repeatedly. Also the shopping cart doesnt accurately update from guest to user after login. Some items go missing once the user logs in. I checked my SQL settings and made sure sessions were turned on. Could someone savvy with OSC please check out my store and let me know what might cause these issues. Thanks, Ralph



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The problem is with your ssl or shared ssl


If you add something to your cart and you choose to checkout you are directed to the login.php page. This is when your cart shows empty because it should be a ssl page. If you go up to the browser and add the s to http and your link like this https://www.brekanarts.com/catalog/login.php your cart contents are back in the shopping cart.


Now, it looks like you can use the shared ssl from your hosting company. hypermart.net but you should really spring for the bucks and get your own. Any way to solve the cart issue you need to open your configure.php files (both) and where it says https server add your domain name.


define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://www.yoursite.com');

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