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categories classes in CSS


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I want to customise categories menu (background images, etc.) but to do that I need to add different CSS classes to my categories and subCategories so I can differentiate them in my CSS. As far as I can see in categories.php there is one php code to generate both of them the only difference is that all subcategories have white space in front of them.

As I am not php programmer I have no idea how to change that code to attaché to them different classes.


I’ve just added this:


Line: 20 (around)

$categories_string .= '<a class="catMenu" href="';


But obviously it will add class to both: main categories and subcategories.


I can see also in line 17:


$categories_string .= "  ";


Which is probably added in front of all subcategories to make them indent.


Please, can somebody help me with that problem? I believe for some of you guys is just 5 minutes or even less.

Really appreciate all your help and thanks in advance.



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hope this works (line 20):


$categories_string .= '<a class="' . ( (sizeof($tree[$counter]['level'])) ? 'subcatMenu' : 'catMenu') . '" href="';



concept of life: enjoy aja!

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