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Beautiful site, love what you've done so far. Pictures are clear and a good size. I'd remove when the item was added because I don't think that's needed. If I had my site looking as good as yours I'd be a very happy bunny. Well done and good luck :)

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Hmm... the site is actually very nice :)


If possible, I would try getting pictures of models wearing your outfits, as opposed to the current snapshots on mannequins. I understand that this may not be a practical thing for you to do; but there is a reason after all why all the big clothing store's use models.


Your copy is better than what I typically see on these forums. However, to take it to the next level; don't be afraid to use words like 'you' combined with action verbs. You don't need to be so third person - make it personal. Remember, buying is an emotional act. Sure, people use facts to rationalize a purchase; but an emotional response is a fundamental first step before a purchase can be made.


Overall, I really like your site though. Well done!

Best Regards,



Victor Wise

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barcelona - i would love to do other projects but my fulltime job is operating a restaurant. i work on the site during down-time.


victor - thanks for the feedback. i'll discuss this with the boss (my wife) and we'll take a closer look at effective terminology.



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  • 2 weeks later...

You've got an error in the code.


Try to use your "Search" function.


The site I'm working on doesn't get any error, it just never finds anything I search for....


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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