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need password before confirm the order


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If somebody use another's account, I want to prevent an unwelcome order.

So I want to put field for password before the last step for order.

Is anybody know how to do it?

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why would someone use anothers account to buy.


This feature is already built in as customers need to add account email and password.


The password for the account stops someone other than the account holder to purchase in someone elses account.

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Dear usernamenone, please stop to reply me unprepared!


- first: you don't know the site's idea (it's not ordinary e-shop, the orders are big and expensive, so the site's clients demand that preventive measure);

- second: I have seen sites like this one, which my client want (and believe be, this password is detail, which everybody will approve, because his orders and money are not in danger; the site's owner will not phone every time to every one client to confirm every one order);

- trird: The client is always right!


so u don't help me at all!

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