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Order Number Format


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I'm looking for a way that I can change the way that order numbers are formatted. I don't believe there is a current contribution that does that as this probably would be useless to anyone other than myself. There's only a few things I need to figure out, and I could probably begin to do it myself if someone pointed me in the right direction.


The business that I am opening will include my osCommerce store and eBay auctions. I'd like for my osCommerce order numbers to begin with an N and my eBay Orders with an E. I know that because of the specific means of this that this is not something that someone will likely be taking up but I just wanted to know if anyone can point me in the direction of where the order numbers are generated so that I can at least try to wrap my mind around this.


Thank you.

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Anyone? Even if noone wants to do it, I just would like to know where order numbers are generated.


The order numbers are generated automatically when a new order is inserted. They're integers. What you need to explain is where you want this order specifc string to be displayed. Because you could doit from the script level or you could add another column in the database to specify the order type.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to have the order number displayed on the order confirmation page, on the order list on the administration side (this means, when I search by Order ID there, it'd pick it up). The invoice and packing slips generated. The order history under "My Account" would also be a good place.


Any ideas?

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to display the order id on the admin end there are numerous posts and contributions that do it. Here is a simple one



For the confirmation page on the catalog end, you cannot have it, because the order id is created later during checkout process.


In every case you need the order ID to be valid and then a mechanism to append the N or E (by creating another field in the database -orders table- to do that).

Edited by enigma1
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