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An Alternative to using .htaccess files


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I recently started using osCommerce for a client who uses Yahoo Small Business. I have had no problems config'g, design changes...etc. However, testing the product, I am unable to continue checking out from the shopping cart. I receive a 403 Forbidden Error. After doing some research, I am now aware that YSB does not support the .htaccess files. Is there an alternative means of creating a redirect page within this service without having to change the web hosting service provider? I have saw on one site where I can create a .php file to redirect but how would I implement that into the exisitng codings, if applicable? :huh:


Thanks in advance for your support with this issue.


KKDesigns By Montique

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I recently started using osCommerce for a client who uses Yahoo Small Business. I have had no problems config'g, design changes...etc. However, testing the product, I am unable to continue checking out from the shopping cart. I receive a 403 Forbidden Error. After doing some research, I am now aware that YSB does not support the .htaccess files. Is there an alternative means of creating a redirect page within this service without having to change the web hosting service provider? I have saw on one site where I can create a .php file to redirect but how would I implement that into the exisitng codings, if applicable? :huh:


Thanks in advance for your support with this issue.


KKDesigns By Montique



Problem resolved... thanks to this site that was posted here: http://www.natural-health-doctor.com/insta...allBusiness.pdf

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