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The e-commerce.

Initial Enquiries


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Good afternnon everyone,


bit of background:

i work for a company that have an online shop that sells approx 2500 items online, our site is slow and is an all in one package for the e-retailer.


ive done some research and found that many hosts with super fast page delivery speeds offer oscommerce as thier e-commerce platform.


ive been having a good read around and would be confident that with the support of other users and the site hosts, i could create a great shopping experience for our customers.


ive had a search in the contributions area and have already found that i can add a finance option through able2buy (our current e-commerce provider wants £££££££££££ for the development), and, i can add the google checkout.


a couple of things i cant find though.


do you have to have the customer go through the rigmarol of creating an account before they complete a purchase? and is there a way to get them to accept terms and conditions by checking a box before confirming the order?


many thanks for ya help

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