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Ultimate SEO URLS and phpsuexec


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I've seen a few questions about something similar, but no answers yet. I moved my site to a host that had phpsuexec installed. I can get the site working if I turn off SEO URLS, but that's not a good solution since it would affect hundreds of links to products in my sponsored searches and in many other locations.


A simple question ( I hope).


Is it possible to have Ultimate SEO Urls turned on when a server is running phpsuexec? If so, what's the scoop on making it work.




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I've seen a few questions about something similar, but no answers yet. I moved my site to a host that had phpsuexec installed. I can get the site working if I turn off SEO URLS, but that's not a good solution since it would affect hundreds of links to products in my sponsored searches and in many other locations.


A simple question ( I hope).


Is it possible to have Ultimate SEO Urls turned on when a server is running phpsuexec? If so, what's the scoop on making it work.




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I was finally able to get this working. The problem was in the .htaccess file in the root of my store. Since I haven't switched the nameservers over yet while I'm testing, the path to my site is http://ipaddress/~sailstor/.


The code in my .htaccess file (2nd line) was RewriteBase /


Once I changed it to RewriteBase /~sailstor/ my seo urls worked again and I could access the products on the site. I assume that once I transfer the nameservers over, I'll have to change it back.


Hope that helps someone.



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