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Problem with putting a link


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Hi all,


I am trying to put a download button in my product info. i used the following code.


<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link( $product_info['products_model']) .'.pdf" target="_blank" >' . '<br>' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_DOWNLOAD . '</a>'; ?> :rolleyes:


The thing is i was expecting the model of my product followed by pdf extension in a new link window but what i am getting is


BS-500%20FP?osCsid=s114ihmsh7gj0u3thckef2tkn6.pdf :'(


Now my product id is BS-500%20FP and my file is BS-500%20FP.pdf is also present but since it is giving osCsid i am just confused what is going wrong how is it giving me product id like that ? :blink:


you can check it out the product for which i have a pdf ready here ,as you can see here also osCsid is there







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Hi all,


I am trying to put a download button in my product info. i used the following code.


<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link( $product_info['products_model']) .'.pdf" target="_blank" >' . '<br>' . TEXT_CLICK_TO_DOWNLOAD . '</a>'; ?> :rolleyes:


The thing is i was expecting the model of my product followed by pdf extension in a new link window but what i am getting is


BS-500%20FP?osCsid=s114ihmsh7gj0u3thckef2tkn6.pdf :'(


Now my product id is BS-500%20FP and my file is BS-500%20FP.pdf is also present but since it is giving osCsid i am just confused what is going wrong how is it giving me product id like that ? :blink:


you can check it out the product for which i have a pdf ready here ,as you can see here also osCsid is there






Did you make sure that you created a PDF file of that product? if you didn't that is why it didn't work.

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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Did you make sure that you created a PDF file of that product? if you didn't that is why it didn't work.



The file is created my problem is the name that is it is not taking the correct path. and my headache is it is behaving erratically today again it is taking the path without the osCsid now i am confused as it worked the first day the next it stopped and today it is working again




this is the product id i am getting today as opposed to the id yesterday which had an osCsid attached along with it.


please some body help me as i am confused and sure that the same thing will happen again.




this was the link i was seeing yesterday and today also this link works fine. please someone help me how do u remove


&osCsid=s114ihmsh7gj0u3thckef2tkn6 this much part ?

http://www.safepune.com/product_info.php?products_id=28 i only want this which i am getting today but some time i get it with osCsic. please help.



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