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Domain name change in oscommerce online shop


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Hi there and all,

How is it possible to move a current online oscommerce shop to a new domain name? I have searched the oscommerce forums and can't find anything relevant? Anyone have any idea how ?



Is it just possible to copy all the files from the current domain to the new domain and will it work like that? or is there a lot more involved such as the database etc?




any ideas or if anyone has done this please help! my old domain has expired and i just a bought a new one but want my old shop to run on the new domain name. I really do not want to start from scratch to build my site because i have hundreds of products and the design took me months to build and debug



thanks heaps guys and girls


Shdeveloper :huh:

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I am having the same problem at the moment too, and this is what I have been told:


Copy your enitire set of files for your store to the server. If your database has a different name and password, either rename it so that this part of the file is relevant, or just change that part in the relevant file to the appropriate name and password.


Then go through your files such as configure/ index files, and where neccessary change your old mystore.co.uk to your new domain name.


I havent tried it yet, as I'm waiting for the weekend before I get started, but at least it will give you a head start until someone on here can answer you fully.


Also note that if you had easy populate installed in the old store you might have to re-install it in the new one. This maybe a problem specific to myself but just double check your mods to make sure they go in OK.


Best of luck to you

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Your host provider should have a method to do a complete backup of your files and database...If you contact them (old host) they should walk you through the process...

Then ftp using the backup to the new site...make a backup before of your database using the osCommerce product on the admin side....You can use this file if your database doesn't get restored correctly...Also you will need to of course change the configure.php files to reflect your new location...domain name...Doing a backup using the osCommerce product

will backup your entire database and retore completely....

I hope this helps



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Steps to be followed:

1)Downlaod the whole code.

2)Take backup of date base.



Now in New server

1)Create and upload data base.

2)Upload store code.

3)Change configure.php file in both user and admin.

4)Check if any payment gateway configuration or any lib support path needs to be modified like Pear etc.

5)If proxy server then some more modification will be needed.



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Hi Guys,


and thank you all to those who have replied to my problem, i didnt think anybody would respond! but i was wrong :P thanks again guys much appreciated the input :thumbsup:


Anwyays i like to add as i forgot, i am staying with my current webhost thanks for that Roman as i just remembered, does that make it any easier then? i would assume if i am staying with the same host and using another domain everything would be straight forward as in backing up the files and just re-locating FTP them to the new domain? Would i still need to fiddle around with the database and those files mentioned? such as the configure.php??



I hope it just is as straight forward as that or that someone who has gone through this just like my particualar case and knows the solution. I'm thinking this might be above my ability as i'm still a newbie at oscommerce and php.


Any further suggestions or comments would be much appreciated guys :rolleyes:







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Hi there angelkelly,


Let me know how you get on the weekend, as i too havent had the time to do much to the onlineshop and i think a nice quiet weekend away from the usual daily grind from work is best suited for me :blush:


I have started to backup the database through the oscommerce admin backup utility which took seconds for the hundred of products in the onlineshop, my next step is too upload all the files and make sure they're all there on the new domain, but thats yet to do on the weekend.


I will let you know my progress vice verca



cheers :thumbsup:





I am having the same problem at the moment too, and this is what I have been told:


Copy your enitire set of files for your store to the server. If your database has a different name and password, either rename it so that this part of the file is relevant, or just change that part in the relevant file to the appropriate name and password.


Then go through your files such as configure/ index files, and where neccessary change your old mystore.co.uk to your new domain name.


I havent tried it yet, as I'm waiting for the weekend before I get started, but at least it will give you a head start until someone on here can answer you fully.


Also note that if you had easy populate installed in the old store you might have to re-install it in the new one. This maybe a problem specific to myself but just double check your mods to make sure they go in OK.


Best of luck to you

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