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The e-commerce.

What will we need


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I have a customer who wants me to customize his oscommerce with the following things


Upload products from a spreadsheet

Searchable items by title, category, description

No right-click on his images so they cannot be saved, or images watermarked

Display search results without images


My question is, what mods would be the best for this?

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Easy populate is the best tool for uploading descriptions from a spreadsheet - it lets you upload thousands of items at once.


Images; try setting the user permissions on the images folder in your control panel and see if this works.


For the other two I dont know off hand but click on community, then contributions on the top bar. Then just do a search for them using keywords such as 'search descriptions'.


Hopefully someone will come along and recommend something for the others by the time you've uploaded and configured easy populate


Good luck to you

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