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The e-commerce.

Removing Tax


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Hi All,


I am setting up a shop for a New Zealand online kids clothing store.

I have choosen to use osCommerce. (again...)


I need to be able to charge G.S.T (Goods & Services Tax) on all items, except if the user is purchasing an item from overseas.


For example:

If my brother had purchased an item online from within New Zealand, he would need to pay the tax (g.s.t), However if my Aunt from Ireland purchased an item, I need osCommerce to remove the tax (g.s.t) from the order as it is illegal to charge tax on international orders.


Please could someone point me in the right direction?

Is their a contribution people use for this sort of problem?


Any help, Any help at all! Would be much appreciated.



Thanks, :thumbsup:




Matt Evans.

Auckland, New Zealand

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You don't need a contrib, you can just use OSC's built in tax functions. If you have NZ only as a Tax Zone in Locations/Taxes, orders from elsewhere should not have the tax applied to them. When you go to add a new product you'll be able to select the tax location of NZ and, again, orders from other locations should not have the tax levied.

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You don't need a contrib, you can just use OSC's built in tax functions. If you have NZ only as a Tax Zone in Locations/Taxes, orders from elsewhere should not have the tax applied to them. When you go to add a new product you'll be able to select the tax location of NZ and, again, orders from other locations should not have the tax levied.




Thanks for your help.

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