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I'm NEW. Need Help adding a product with 3 different versions w/ different prices


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I am thoroughly confused, so any help will be much appreciated. I am selling different fragrances, (for example Xperfume) and this fragrance may have a) a travel size you could purchase B) a lotion and/or 3) a gift set to choose under that one name. I wanted to just have the main fragrance, then let the customer pick either a) B) or c) . Those different styles will also have different prices. Can this be done?


I also wanted to be able to add more products to my main page because now when I add more than 2, it shifts everything all over the place.


By the way, I bought an OSCommerce template.



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You should add the perfume as a regular product and then use the Products Attributes to detail size and price differences. e.g. go into Products Attributes and add an option with the name 'Size' and value 'Travel' (or whatever) - you can keep adding as many size options as you like. The bottom half of that page will list the product attributes you have added (should be none right now as you haven't done any) - select a product from the provided drop down list and you will be able to add one or more of your various size attributes to the product and specify a price difference. Et voila. :)


If that makes no sense try this: http://www.oscommerce.info/kb/osCommerce/A...ool/Catalog/152

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