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Has there been a contribution for a color change for graphic corners in the infoboxheaders?

is there any other option to change headersbackground color ?



you need to change the colour of the images in the following folder:


Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

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I don't see where the color can be changed....Did I miss Something ??


find the images open them up in paintshop or something like that and then change the colors and then just copy them back into the folder they came from.



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find the images open them up in paintshop or something like that and then change the colors and then just copy them back into the folder they came from.





thanx... did that but also found out they are not working well with color so I will have to try converting the image...

I the time I hoped to save but that's ok......



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