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Hello, I have added in the store about 20000 products with 750 categorias. This has supposed a slope in the yield at the time of generating the pagina. I have installed the Query equal Debug and I see that querys for products executed many, count(*)... With himself not to reduce to the generation of categorias and subcategorias, the following sentence is the one that repeats the same one to me I number of times and with himself not to reduce.


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name from categories c, categories_description cd where parent_id = '513' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '3' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name


Somebody help me ???


In any case all querys takes in executing about 2 sg, Why takes almost 12 sg in loading the page?


Thanks beforehand.

:angry: :angry: :angry:

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Hello, I have added in the store about 20000 products with 750 categorias. This has supposed a slope in the yield at the time of generating the pagina. I have installed the Query equal Debug and I see that querys for products executed many, count(*)...

Start with reading this thread in Tips & Tricks. You wil surely find some things you can apply.


By the way, your question does not belong in the forum topic "Features and Suggestions" since you are asking for suggestions, not giving them.

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