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The e-commerce.

taking over a site, competence required


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I want to take over maintenance of an oscommerce website, but do I have the competence to do it? I have no direct experience but I have set a drupal, a wikimedia and moveable type site, so I'm OK on website and MySQL essentials, but I'm no PHP coder either.


Would I be right in thinking that proper maintenance, which would involve minor upgrades, would require PHP expertise? In other words, you really need to types of expertise to maintain a site. Design and website expertise (with some MySQL) and then the PHP site (also with some mySQL)?


To try and verify this I did a dump of the current database, and I got an archive of all the php files the site uses, and I compared it to the source code. The running site really did seem to have a bunch of extra php files, way different to the oscommerce source. So it looks as if professional help may be what's needed, and not what little old amateur me should take on.


I know, alot depends on the complexity of the site itself. I would say it's average complexity, i.e. a serious working project that might be selling 30 products or so.


If you think professional help is what I need, will any php coder do, or do I need a specifically oscommerce person?


Many thanks in advance for your advice.

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If you have to ask people you dont even know whether or not you are capable of doing a job, chances are you're not.

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