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Breadcrumb Text Formatting


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I've noticed that when the 'words' in the breadcrumb are actually links they show in the desired text format (colour,font sytle etc). When they are not links such as logoff they show in just plain black text? Does anyone know a reason for this and/or where to change it?


Many Thanks



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it's a css thing. I'd create some new lines in the stylesheet that would associate the A. to link A.breadcrumb and then with additional font class as well with teh same name of breadcrumb. Then assign the class="breadcrumb" instead of default class="headerNavigation" in the header file (if it is stock placement). Also in includes/classes/breadcrumb.php the class can then be association as well. So both math. Note: that's just teh way I'd do it.

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it's a css thing. I'd create some new lines in the stylesheet that would associate the A. to link A.breadcrumb and then with additional font class as well with teh same name of breadcrumb. Then assign the class="breadcrumb" instead of default class="headerNavigation" in the header file (if it is stock placement). Also in includes/classes/breadcrumb.php the class can then be association as well. So both math. Note: that's just teh way I'd do it.


Thanks, I played around and got it working :)



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