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Customer Add Product issues (logging user out?)

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I have been working on getting Customer Add Product working ( http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...er+add+products ) and have had a few issues...

After fixing the link generating issue (using modified tep_href_link function, original links it was making was killing them for some reason), i found everything worked, except for deleting the item. I started outputting the entire session array on each page as it went, and found when confirm delete was clicked, it seems to log you out. Up until then, there is the customers login info in the session, but after confirm delete, its gone.


I have been working on tracking where it happens, but what seems extremely odd is all of the viewing/editing/deleting stays on the same page (account_manage.php), and nothing specific to the command happens before the session starts


 comments snipped



This is the code at the beginning of account_manage.php which does all the main functions. On everything up until delete confirm, print_r has the customers login info

On delete confirm, print_r shows no user info. And when going back to the main page (top of the catalog) it shows you as Guest again and theres no logoff link


The only thing I can see that delete confirm does differently is does a post with the product_id info, but I havent been able to figure out why that would make a difference


Any ideas?




Edited by SkyyPunk
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I am making a feedback system for people who sell their products on the site, and on the page that received the POST data, you get logged out (login data is lost at least). So it looks like the previous issue is related also, since it submits post data...


All of the post information goes through fine, but the current users login data gets dropped...


Any ideas on this? Its rather odd...

Edited by SkyyPunk
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