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Quickest way to add postage ?


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Newbie Oscommerce user.


Have set up a shop for a friend, taken photos of all the items (120 odd) added them to the shop, adding descriptions.


My one problem now is how i do postage.


I've seen threads where you can add Royal Mail prices but obviously that depends on weights.


Whats the 'norm' for these types of shops ? I mean when i took pictures of these 120 items i didnt have to weigh each one seperately did i ?


I have 120 items in my shop but nothing to do with postage/weight yet. Could someone point me in the right direction, eg do i have to go back and weigh these items, or 'guess' roughly the weight of them, or is there an add on i can put on the shop which calculates postage ? Eg 5 items bought postage will be 5 pounds etc ?


Any help would be great, once i can sort out this postage hopefully quickly then i can get this all done


Thanks for reading

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once you specify the item's weight a gateway can use the info along with the shipping details and return an accurate amount back to your store. Such modules like ups, usps etc include the support you're looking for. So you should only need to add the weight via your osc admin for each item. In some cases depending on the carrier you may need to specify dimensions. But set the weight first.


Not sure about the royal mail cannot recall but use the contributions section



Edited by enigma1
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