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The e-commerce.

OK I have done it before but now it does not work


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Hi All,

I have had to have my linux server redone and as a result I have to redo my oscommerce site.


I have php4 and mysql, both work and I get to the second page of the installation.

I have downloaded the windows zip version, extracted and uploaded via winscp to the correct directories.

I enter the details as follows;

IP addy of server (tried both internal 192 etc and ext 203 etc)

username (tried mysql_10, and other authenticated users)


database name as oscommerce

persistent conections



click to continue and the next bit is only partialy displayed

new installation



nothing else happens


I have globals register = on

I cannot find

long register in php.ini and I cannot find phpinfo


any ideas, it has been so long since I did the original install on a bsd system via windows, I have forgotten exactly what I did.


I know it is simple and I must be doing something stupid but I cannot see it at present, all comments appreciated.



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Pkay, as I said, I did it before and the only reason it "did not work" ws that I am using a laptop and I only had to wait for about half an hour fo the databse to be created. I tested it a few times but due to time restraints, had to stop before finsihing. Anyway, I am currently doing it again, this time I will be able to let it go on to its conclusion. I will post when it is complete.



Hi All,

I have had to have my linux server redone and as a result I have to redo my oscommerce site.


I have php4 and mysql, both work and I get to the second page of the installation.

I have downloaded the windows zip version, extracted and uploaded via winscp to the correct directories.

I enter the details as follows;

IP addy of server (tried both internal 192 etc and ext 203 etc)

username (tried mysql_10, and other authenticated users)


database name as oscommerce

persistent conections



click to continue and the next bit is only partialy displayed

new installation



nothing else happens


I have globals register = on

I cannot find

long register in php.ini and I cannot find phpinfo


any ideas, it has been so long since I did the original install on a bsd system via windows, I have forgotten exactly what I did.


I know it is simple and I must be doing something stupid but I cannot see it at present, all comments appreciated.



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Well that did not work as I thought it would, I created the database manually by running oscommerce.sql . I then tried the install again but it failed again. So I tried to do an install without creating the database and copying the data, still it did not work, and then udpate instead, still not working. If anyone has any ideas as to why it does not go past either step 2 for an install or step 7 on the upgrade, please let me know, I am pulling my hair out.

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