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UPS XML- Dimensions- Box Cost now being added

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ha, i screwed up the subject. the box cost is NOT being added.


I have the newest UPS XML installed and just got done checking againt he code however when I put a cost in for a box it's not adding that cost to the checkout. I enabled Dimensions Support in UPS XML settings. Something else i need to do? Where would it add the $10 for the box, to the shipping amount? Anyway to see what box the program is using for the order?



Edited by vmstudio
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ha, i screwed up the subject. the box cost is NOT being added.


I have the newest UPS XML installed and just got done checking againt he code however when I put a cost in for a box it's not adding that cost to the checkout. I enabled Dimensions Support in UPS XML settings. Something else i need to do? Where would it add the $10 for the box, to the shipping amount? Anyway to see what box the program is using for the order?

Where did you get the impression that the cost of the box was added to the shipping amount? Originally, it was meant to use the cheapest packaging first, but later it was discarded. See the readme.txt, line 96-105:

Cost (algorithmic cost, not
monetary) is the only factor that might not be intuitive. Cost determines the order in which packages are tried. Packages with
lower cost are tried before packages with higher cost. A box of 5x5x5 inches with a cost of 0 will be packed with product
before a package with dims of 8x8x8 and a cost of 1. This enables you to prioritize cardboard before wood or metal (of the
same dimensions), packages of identical volume, etc.

Cost can still be set in the packaging but is not used anywhere, so don't bother. The algorithm needs boxes sorted to volume. Cost just disturbs this. Anyway, you are smart enough to use the cheapest boxes yourself.

The module will not store what box is used for the shipping (the osC code was not written to include that kind of information when an order is handled). There is a debug around line 315 where you can test it:

		// debug only:
	/* echo '<pre>Packages and variables:<br />';
	 echo '<br />';
	 exit;  */

Of course you can write something to a log file there, including the id of the customer (to correlate it with the order).

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