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Modify categories buttons


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I am trying to change the look of the categories to look like this




I cant work out what in the code in boxes/categories to modify to get this output,


Also in the header I would like to get this horizontal navigation




If anyone can point me in the direction of a tutorial for this that would be great.





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Requests for help should go in the correct forum. Please post only tips or tricks here.

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Requests for help should go in the correct forum. Please post only tips or tricks here.

Opps! Sorry about that. I'm in the wrong forum; not you.

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NO problem


well i have sorted my categorie buttons by looking at the contributions, I cant get the horizontal buttons in the header though, if I add them manually then I loose all session information and I dont know enough about php to get around that.



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NO problem


well i have sorted my categorie buttons by looking at the contributions, I cant get the horizontal buttons in the header though, if I add them manually then I loose all session information and I dont know enough about php to get around that.



You need to write links like this:


<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL');?>"></a>


Look in html_output.php for tep_href_link and you will see the inputs that function takes. Also, check filenames.php to see all possible files that you can link to.

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You need to write links like this:


<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'NONSSL');?>"></a>


Look in html_output.php for tep_href_link and you will see the inputs that function takes. Also, check filenames.php to see all possible files that you can link to.



Kind of get where your coming from Rich, so if I want to link to shipping.php page then do you mean i would add the link like this <a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(shipping.php, '', 'NONSSL');?>"></a>


This is the part this has me confused.



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look in the file catalog/includes/filenames.php and search for shipping.php -- this will show you the correct FILENAME_*** string to use for that page. If you are sending a user to the shipping page where they will enter their details you might consider using SSL rather than NONSSL.

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look in the file catalog/includes/filenames.php and search for shipping.php -- this will show you the correct FILENAME_*** string to use for that page. If you are sending a user to the shipping page where they will enter their details you might consider using SSL rather than NONSSL.


Hey psynaptic I do believe at long last I have worked out the links in the header bit so thanks for that.


As for the ssl, right now I have no idea about that side of things, I have installed the paypal ipn and all visitors will get sent there, for now I am just happy to get the site looking differant to the standard template, I am slowly getting my head around how the whole thing works, changing colors is fine and moving things from one column to the other no problem, but displaying the products in a differant formatt is another matter as all the info goes into an array and I just cant work out how to change that to display it differant.

Anyway will look into the ssl once things are further down the road to completion, really no nothing about it all just yet.


Cheers again for your time and help mate





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No problem at all.


Since you will be taking customers' private details during the registration process I advise you to get an SSL certificate. There are many vendors and only you can pick the right one for you.


To display your products in a different format you might want to take a look at some contributions as there are number out there that can help you in this respect. You might also want to look into directly modifying the code in index.php and product_info.php to display your products differently. You can change some aspects of ways in which products are displayed from the admin panel.


Good luck with your site and if you need any more help just ask.

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