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Hello Everyone!


I have been working on my store for a while and need help with it. Can you please tell me what is wrong wth my store and how to fix with what needs to be fixed. I need all the critic i can get. Allso need suggestions. I am new to all this. Not sure what my OScommerce store needs, starting from fixing design, codig errors, to advestsing. so Basicly A-Z




Thank you in advance for your help.



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Hello Everyone!


I have been working on my store for a while and need help with it. Can you please tell me what is wrong wth my store and how to fix with what needs to be fixed. I need all the critic i can get. Allso need suggestions. I am new to all this. Not sure what my OScommerce store needs, starting from fixing design, codig errors, to advestsing. so Basicly A-Z




Thank you in advance for your help.





Can someon Help Please?

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Too much to list...


TONS of missing category and product images, misspelt words, etc.


Too much to list? god. that's why i had asked in the first place!, so people can tell me what i dont notice. And you being lazy to take 5 mi to list what you see wrong.


but thank you anyway.

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People are very helpful on this forum and not in the slightest bit LAZY.


Before asking people to review your site though you could at least deal with all the obvious things such as missing pictures. Then when you feel you have done everything possible take a read through the forum for comments made on other peoples sites for more obivous things to change.


THEN ask again but best not be rude if you want people to volunteer their time.........

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