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Can you expert guys take a look at my website PDAS4U and please give some tips on how I can improve the SEO and any other mistakes I may have made?


I have installed quite a few of the contrubutions (thanks to everyone for these!) and the website looks not bad but really need to SEO a lot better.


Thanks In Advance

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i must say it has nice look to it

but then am not a fan of green site


everyone is different lol


how many vistors have you had and mabye you should offer like

5 % of your frist order when you sign up for an account

that usually a good one


good luck


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i must say it has nice look to it

but then am not a fan of green site


I agree. In the western world; green usually represents nature, as far as color psychology is concerned. Blue and silver would probably be a better site theme for a business selling high technology!

Best Regards,



Victor Wise

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I agree. In the western world; green usually represents nature, as far as color psychology is concerned. Blue and silver would probably be a better site theme for a business selling high technology!


also so do you know how many pepole in the world actually like green

most pepole hate it lol


i think vic right mabye blue and sliver

why not search for simlar shops

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Thanks for the early feedback, traffic mainly through adwords & google base products.


Will look at changing the colour schemes, any hints/tips on how to do this without too much disruption?



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I alwaws think "lack of quality" when I see images such as those on your categories menu. The image background is white and doesn't blend with the gray panel.


You need to place your physical address there somewhere. And oops, "YOUR ABOUT US TEXT GOES HERE" fix that about us page.


My very first thought though, was when I went to look for more detail on the E-TEN Glofiish M700 and found no larger images. That would keep me interested if I could see it up close...


Good luck.

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I have installed quite a few of the contrubutions (thanks to everyone for these!) and the website looks not bad but really need to SEO a lot better.


- Move the osc site/files to the root of the domain.

- Install an SEO contribution to generate meaningful links for your pages. (And disable the osc stock sefs).

- Install a meta-tags contribution to create relevant tags/titles for each page.

- Setup an SSL.

- Move the quick find, Advanced Search and manufacturers drop-down list to the right side.

- Move the reviews box and bestsellers to the left side above the information box.

- Create a new box on the right hand side above the shopping cart box and place in, the "My Account, Cart Contents, Checkout" Links. Then remove them from the navigation header.

- Get rid of the "Top" and "Catalog" links. The main banner takes care for this.

- Install one of the Sitemap contributions

- Install one of the "All Products" contributions

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