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How To Set The Backup Folder ???


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I need to set my backup directory. When I go to the "Database Backup Manager" is says " Error: Backup directory does not exist. Please set this in configure.php." at the top of the page. In my admin folder, I have a "configuration.php" file. But how do I make and set up the folder where I store the backup files? And would I use this directory to store all my info in case I ever wanted to switch shopping cart software? Thanks.

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I need to set my backup directory. When I go to the "Database Backup Manager" is says " Error: Backup directory does not exist. Please set this in configure.php." at the top of the page. In my admin folder, I have a "configuration.php" file. But how do I make and set up the folder where I store the backup files? And would I use this directory to store all my info in case I ever wanted to switch shopping cart software? Thanks.



Go into your FPT or under the admin area and tools, look for FIle Manager, click on that, look for the admin file that shows in the middle of the screen. Once it goes into that folder, once in there, click on the New Folder button at the bottom and rename it backups. Once you do this the error should go away after you refresh the page.


Try that



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