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The e-commerce.

FYI - May save a lot of time


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Installing from scratch for evaluating/development.


1. Install MySQL 4.1.22 (not 5 - this was my mistake and I got all sorts of database errors :angry: )

2. Install Apache 2.2

3. Install PHP 5.2.2 with MySQL AND MySQLi extensions

4. Restart Apache (or reboot) and check PHP working okay with Apache by putting the following file called phpinfo.php in htdocs.


<?php phpinfo()?>


and going to http://localhost/phpinfo.php


You should see a nice page showing you all the PHP information.


5. Install phpMyAdmin

6. Set up the phpAdmin to talk to your MySQL

7. create a new user and a database. (I created one called oscom with all privileges on a database called oscom)

8. Copy oscommerce /catalog to htdocs/catalog

9. Find register_long_arrays = OFF in php.ini and change it to ON.

10. Make sure register_globals = On in php.ini

11. Restart Apache or your machine

12. Go to http://localhost/catalog and you're off.


Hope this helps a bit.

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