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products page question


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I sell fabrics online and need a solution for this problem any help would be greatly appreciated.


Is it possible to have a button on the product_info.php that, creates a popup of the product when clicked on? basically does the same thing as when clicking on the thumbnail image, my problem is I need to show a ruler under the product image to show size reference, I think I could create a framed page which has the ruler in the bottom frame and calls the product and puts it in the top frame.

Thanks to all who can help me with this

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Yeah just put something like this in the product discription


<a href="framepage.htm" target="_new"><img src="your button" border=0></a>


I'm sure there are more elegent ways to do it for integrating into different languages etc but that would work providing the paths to the page you create and the image are correct. You could then use some javascript to remove the menus and set the size of the new window containing your frame set.

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Thank You so much for your quick response but if I put a staic button on the product page how do I get it to open the specific product that's on that page? how would I create the link that when clicked on will open up the product on whatever product page I'm on?





Yeah just put something like this in the product discription


<a href="framepage.htm" target="_new"><img src="your button" border=0></a>


I'm sure there are more elegent ways to do it for integrating into different languages etc but that would work providing the paths to the page you create and the image are correct. You could then use some javascript to remove the menus and set the size of the new window containing your frame set.

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