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[CONTRIBUTION] - Attributes option type selection v.2.0


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2.0 (29/10/2002)




I've modified osCommerce's option system so that it's now possible to select (in admin) the option type of a product (select, checkbox, radio, select multiple).

You can see the contribution in action into this site:




Note: This is a live shop, please do not make any test order here!


New features in version 2.0:

- use of attribute for:

special offer on product (3x2,4x2,...)

minimum order quantity

price levels: qty < n1 price1

n1 <= qty <n2 price2


- new text attribute option

- conditional option (option1 linked with option2, if you select option1, option2 is automatically selected)

- order of attribute

- bugfix



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  • 2 months later...

Good Day.


I downloaded the files and went to install them.


I am somewhat of a beginner :oops: so excuse me for maybe asking a stupid question.


In the unpacked files there are .diff and .sql files


Where exactyly do these go? And how do I get them there? Standard FTP?


Please in easy beginner language..


Thank you so much

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've recently installed the "Attributes option type selection v.2.0" contrib on an osC snapshot of 2/11/2003.


Installation went fine, Admin pages are displaying the Attributes correctly and the specific Product Info pages are displaying the Product Attributes accordingly.


Here 's the issue...

When adding an Product Item to the Shopping Cart that has associated attributes, the attributes price addition (lets say + $20.00) is not being calculated into the sub-total. The odd thing is the attributes name and price ARE displayed when viewing the contents of the Shopping Cart, just not calculated into the subtotal.


Has anyone else encountered this issue?


I've been through the code over and over again and everything is updated according to the instructions. No errors, no nothin.


Where would I look in the code to find the statements where the Product Attribute price is calculated into the subtotal when a product w/attributes is added to the Shopping Cart?


Any ideas?


Let me know.


Thanks in advance for taking the time to look into this.



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it seems something goes wrong in the catalog with this contrib. In fact all the product that had options before (matrox for exemple) has no more option and when i want to put an option, it doesn't appears in th product info page



i can't ind the solution



help please


i use MS1



Sur un malentendu, ... ?a pourrait marcher

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well, got it all installed, but it's not showing the input boxes...


I add a text attribute, and the code shows up as...


<tr><td class="main">  Domain</td><td><input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="{2}3"></td></tr>


...when I view source.


So, how do I get text input boxes?

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Ahhhhh... I knew someone would ask this...


I found a small mistake in the contribution code which is causing your issue.


In your prodcut_info.php file... look for this...

       case '5' :  // text

       $products_options = tep_db_query("select pov.products_options_values_id, pov.products_options_values_name, pa.options_values_price, pa.price_prefix, pa.collegamento from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " pa, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . " pov where pa.products_id = '" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "' and pa.options_id = '" . $products_options_name_values['products_options_id'] . "' and pa.options_values_id = pov.products_options_values_id and pov.language_id = '" . $languages_id . "' and pa.options_type_id = 5 order by pa.attribute_order");

       echo '<tr><td class="main"><br><b>' . $products_options_name_values['products_options_name'] . ':</b></td><td> </td></tr>' . "n";

       while ($products_options_values = tep_db_fetch_array($products_options)) {

         $linked_attrib = tep_linked_attributes($products_options_values['collegamento'],$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id']);

         $name_text = 'id[]';

         $value_text = '{' . $products_options_name_values['products_options_id'] . '}' . $products_options_values['products_options_values_id'] . $linked_attrib;

         if (strchr($products_options_values['price_prefix'],'s')) {

           $special_class = 'productSpecialPrice';

         } else {

           $special_class = 'main';


         echo '<tr><td class="' . $special_class . '">  ' . $products_options_values['products_options_values_name'];

         if (($products_options_values['options_values_price'] != '0') && (!strchr($products_options_values['price_prefix'],'i'))) {

           echo ' (' . tep_prefix_view($products_options_values['price_prefix']) . ' '. $currencies->display_price($products_options_values['options_values_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id'])) .') ';


         echo '</td><td>' . tep_draw_hidden_field($name_text, $value_text) . '</td></tr>' . "n";



In particular... this section of the code at the bottom from the example above...

          echo '</td><td>' . tep_draw_hidden_field($name_text, $value_text) . '</td></tr>' . "n";

It needs to be changed to this...

          echo '</td><td>' . tep_draw_input_field($name_text, $value_text) . '</td></tr>' . "n";

That should do it for ya!


Let me know how it works out.



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I should learn to check back on threads before I get pissed off n' just remove the modifications, hehe.


I'm about ready to burn osCommerce to a CD just so I can take a very large hammer to it, lol.


Great software, but a pain to navigate & modify. ;)


Thanks. I'm just checking out Option Type Feature V1.4 right now... so I'll see how that goes before trying the other one again.

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Hold on a minute!!!!!


A little while back there was work to combine the option type feature and the type input feature and I believe that it was successsful.


Hold on a bit longer !!!!!!


Linda is bringing out the Shoppe Enhancement Controller v1.0 and afterwards has this on her list, as a to do! That'l be really worth waiting for.

What goes up MUST come down

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Well, I couldn't get either of those things to work....


The other one didn't wanna work at all, just showed a select box with the word "TEXT" in it...


So, I removed that, went back to the original one I tried, did the change as suggeted by ugottasalsa, and now I have a text input box, which always contains the value "{2}3".


I added COD to my payment types, and the order went through, but didn't even show the text fields in the E-Mails.


Such a pain in the ass, and I need text fields on user orders. The whole store relies upon having user input fields on a lot of the products, because the product's specifications are going to be different for every order.

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Hold on a bit longer !!!!!!


Any idea how much longer?


I need to get this up like yesterday, and I'd hate to have to dump osCommerce. It's worked great for me in the past on other sites, but doesn't seem to be able to stand up to the task this time around.

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Hold on a bit longer !!!!!!


Any idea how much longer?


I need to get this up like yesterday, and I'd hate to have to dump osCommerce. It's worked great for me in the past on other sites, but doesn't seem to be able to stand up to the task this time around.


Don'tcha just hate waiting on free software to get finished ... 8)


As soon as it can be done ... it will be done. :D

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Don'tcha just hate waiting on free software to get finished ... 8)


As soon as it can be done ... it will be done. :D


I know it's free software, and I'm not complaining, I was just curious as to if there was a release date.


If I have to, I'll go spend 700 bucks on Miva & that will do what I need, it's no biggy. But, as I said, I happen to quite like osCommerce, and I believed it could do what I wanted it to.


If the hack's going to be out tomorrow, there's no point me attempting to do it myself. If the hack's gonna be out in 6 months, then it is worth me having a go at it myself.

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Don'tcha just hate waiting on free software to get finished ... 8)


As soon as it can be done ... it will be done. :D


I know it's free software, and I'm not complaining, I was just curious as to if there was a release date.


If I have to, I'll go spend 700 bucks on Miva & that will do what I need, it's no biggy. But, as I said, I happen to quite like osCommerce, and I believed it could do what I wanted it to.


If the hack's going to be out tomorrow, there's no point me attempting to do it myself. If the hack's gonna be out in 6 months, then it is worth me having a go at it myself.


Gee ... for $700 I'll even install it for you ... lol :wink:


Actually, this should be out in the next couple days. I am just putting together a copy for the people testing this software add-on and if all goes well, it will be ready for release.

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Well Linda I will do that for half of the amount he is offering....lol


But it's your project so you better make a deal with him ;)


I don't wanno know how many hours you spend already on your new contributions and how much it would cost to pay you for all those hours !!!


That's much more then the $700....



We all need to learn it once, how hard it may seem when you look at it, also you will master it someday ;)

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You can get that by offering to pay for a custom contribution too I am sure...


Linda, and others, are VERY professional and offer a very high level of support. I'm sure the team could do a lot with that too....


Indicating that you would rather through money at different software rather than support something that is already helping you make money is kindof insulting, in my book.


A private offer to someone that you know can do what you need may have been more appropriate than a "well, I finally found something this software can't do, so I'll go buy something now".

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]

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You can get that by offering to pay for a custom contribution too I am sure...


Linda, and others, are VERY professional and offer a very high level of support. I'm sure the team could do a lot with that too....


Indicating that you would rather through money at different software rather than support something that is already helping you make money is kindof insulting, in my book.


A private offer to someone that you know can do what you need may have been more appropriate than a "well, I finally found something this software can't do, so I'll go buy something now".


I second that!


And I will also add that this community has some of the hardest working and most professional people around.


...and you want to use Miva????? LOLOLOLOLOLOL



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Indicating that you would rather through money at different software rather than support something that is already helping you make money is kindof insulting, in my book.


osCommerce has not made me a penny.

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It's worked great for me in the past on other sites, but doesn't seem to be able to stand up to the task this time around.


And these cost you how much and how are you using them?

[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]

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It's worked great for me in the past on other sites, but doesn't seem to be able to stand up to the task this time around.


And these cost you how much and how are you using them?


These cost me nothing, and they've made me no money. I've installed it for friends, set it up for them, modified the layout, and got it running well. I don't charge friends to help them out where I can.


I have never previously used osCommerce for a site of my own.


I currently have several clients that are using Miva for their sites. I will have to buy the Mive engine anyway, regardless of what store software I use on my own site. I'm trying to get them to switch from a Miva based site over to osCommerce too. But I can hardly recommend something I'm not using myself.

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I have installed and I am testing the radio button options. I have products that will need 2 or 3 groups of options that have to be radio buttons (to limit the user from selecting conflicting options), but when i set this up, clicking on another groups radio button unselectes the previous groups. Is this by design or can someone point me in the direction to adjust this.

Thank You,


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NO.. thats not the way it supposed to work. Each set of Radio Buttons should act independently of the others. The issue that you are having is probably caused by an installation problem with the contribution... not necessarily the contribution itself.


A couple of questions for you...


What version of the Attributes Option Select did you install?

What version of osC are you using... version and snapshot date?



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Attributes version installed


2.02.MS1 (18/02/2003)


OSC Version is a snapshop from 4-26-2003


Which file should I inspect for the problem?- product_info.php.

Thank You,


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