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Need some assistance with sales tax


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I've been researching around and asked a couple people with mixed answers.


I've read up on some posts by some users and they say they only charge tax to domestic buyers. I've asked somebody and they said it's required by law to charge international taxes. Can some people clarify this part for me?


Also, if I were to add taxe rates to OSC, I would have to adjust it per each individual county in the United States. Which means I will have to research the rates for every county and add it in one by one? Are there no premade zones/tax rates available for download?



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If you are in the US as far as I know you are only required to charge sales tax to the buyers in your same state. If I'm in CA and buy something from Florida, I don't pay the Florida sales tax.


I've been researching around and asked a couple people with mixed answers.


I've read up on some posts by some users and they say they only charge tax to domestic buyers. I've asked somebody and they said it's required by law to charge international taxes. Can some people clarify this part for me?


Also, if I were to add taxe rates to OSC, I would have to adjust it per each individual county in the United States. Which means I will have to research the rates for every county and add it in one by one? Are there no premade zones/tax rates available for download?



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