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Can't Center The Logo in the header.........


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How can I center the my logo in the header????????

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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I don't have the original header file (mine is heavily modded) but as far as I remember in includes>header.php you should see the table with your logo in it. The reason you can't center it easily is because that top row is separated into cells. If you can post the relevant part of your header.php page I can show you how it get it centered.

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I don't have the original header file (mine is heavily modded) but as far as I remember in includes>header.php you should see the table with your logo in it. The reason you can't center it easily is because that top row is separated into cells. If you can post the relevant part of your header.php page I can show you how it get it centered.


hi dropdeadred or anyone...is there anyway you can help me get my logo centered in the header. I know it is a question often asked...but I have been unable to find a solution in the forum. I've tried several things suggested already.


I have already modified my site with BTS...and so I am not sure I am in the right file. I went to the header.php file and added


<tr class="header">
<td align="center" valign="middle">


as I was supposed to do...I have also tried


<tr class="header">
<td valign="middle"  align="center">


and I have also tried


<td align="center"><td valign="middle">


I am not sure what else to try....my logo still is to the far left...and I took out the little shopping cart/myaccount icons in the header.


I'm picking my brain trying to figure this out. I thought when I loaded BTS...all my changes to my site would be in the main_page.tpl.php file under the


/ public_html / catalog / templates / CSS-fluid-1 category. But when I go to main_page file or the main_layout.css file...there is no place to change the logo

header or header other than changing the background header color or height pixel size. That is all I see to change. So I thougt I must have to make my changes in the header.php file to center my logo...but that is not working either. And I believe all my permissions to be correct.


Your thoughts or ideas would greatly be appreciated.

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The logo has absolute positioning so it won't move no matter what you put in the table cell. Look in main_page.tpl.php for this:


<img id="logo" src="<?php echo (bts_select('images','logo.gif')); // BTSv1.5 ?>" alt="Logo">


Remove id="logo" and it should center.

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The logo has absolute positioning so it won't move no matter what you put in the table cell. Look in main_page.tpl.php for this:


<img id="logo" src="<?php echo (bts_select('images','logo.gif')); // BTSv1.5 ?>" alt="Logo">


Remove id="logo" and it should center.


Thanks...Spax...it worked. I was going nuts picking my brain...I have even changed the word 'absolute' in the layout file yesterday...I can't remember what word I tried...I think 'relative'.....but it did not work...I think it just moved my logo too far down on the page.


But just taking out out id="logo" centered my logo. I am not sure why everyone keeps saying add align='center'...that must be an older version of bts in the header.php file...but no one has put up a solution to the latest bts version explaining how to center the logo. And I have spent 4 days looking.



Thanks Again.

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