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Produtcs Model ListBox Instead Manufacturer ListBox


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My Code in Html and Javaand it works with no problems



<form name="form1" >
<select name="select1" size="1" style="background-color:#000000" onChange="jumptolink(document.form1.select1)">
<option selected >Model</option>
<option value="2007">2007</option>
<option value="2006">2006</option>
<option value="2005">2005</option>
<option value="2004">2004</option>
<option value="2003">2003</option>
<option value="2002">2002</option>
<option value="2001">2001</option>
<option value="2000">2000</option>


<script language="JavaScript">
function jumptolink(what){
var selectedopt=what.options[what.selectedIndex]



Any One Can Help Me to code This with PHP Code Please ? :)



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Why don't you go into your catalog/includes/languages/english folder and change the word 'Manufacturer' to 'Product Model' where appropriate instead of adding more code? This will turn your Manufacturers Infobox to a Product Model Infobox web side. Nobody but admin need know.

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Why don't you go into your catalog/includes/languages/english folder and change the word 'Manufacturer' to 'Product Model' where appropriate instead of adding more code? This will turn your Manufacturers Infobox to a Product Model Infobox web side. Nobody but admin need know.




Ok , it's a good idea , but can you tell me how to transfer my all data from Field "products_model" to "manufacturers_id" ? :-"



otherwise try to help me plz



Thanks in Advance

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