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Do I need ssl if I'm using paypal??


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just wondering.. if my only accepted payment method is paypal, do I need to use an ssl certificate or does paypal do for the payment page for me?

Just wondering because I'm on a tight budget and just running a small shop which isn't expected to get an amazing income and sll is quite costly.



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Using Paypal means that customers card payments are encrypted via them yes but unless you intend to checkout without capturing any customer details then you really need to run your account pages on ssl. Customers are rightly unhappy about providing their personal information without this.


Using your hosting companies shared ssl is very cheap.

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I just checked the sll prices and it's £25 pounds a year for sll (which is a lot cheaper than I thought), but my shop is not expected to get much income as it's just a small group of people selling some hand-made stuff in their spare time, not as a job. It's not really a shop that's out there to rake in the money, just a little extra.

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