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Access to site


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I have just designed a basic site for a client who chose to use their existing domain name. He has changed the nameservers as instructed and seems to know what he's doing.


The domain name was resolved and I was able to complete the installation by accessing the site via the domain name for images/configuration etc. Everything is showing up OK at my end (on multiple computers using different browsers/Internet connections) however, the client can't seem to access the site and is growing frustrated at the lack of access to any part of the site (cpanel, index.php, admin etc).


I suspected it was probably something related to his machine/browser/connection but he has since informed me that he was unable to access the site from multiple machines.


This seems very strange and I have been unable to dignose the problem. As far as we are concerned the site is working but he is obviously having trouble accessing any of the pages.


Please could I request people to visit the site and report back whether they can see the site or not: http://www.rapidcon.com/catalogue Link to web-site

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does not load for me


just blank page


source code -



<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; catalogue/index.php">




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